Meet the Artist: Nancy Brennemann
Segmented and Epoxy Accented Turned Wood

West Michigan wood turner, Nancy Brennemann, returns to the Design Quest Holiday Artisan Market for the second year. Last year her Michigan themed boards were a huge hit. This year she is selling segmented bowls and vases, as well as candle holders and boards. New this year, are a variety of wood pieces highlighted with tinted epoxy or stains.
Artist Statement:
"Sometime in 2007, I was sitting in my Dad’s office waiting for him to finish an email. While I waited, I noticed a stack of magazines on the table. It was a pile of woodworking mags. The American Woodturner was on top and a very beautiful and creative turning was on the cover. I have been an amateur woodworker for much of my adult life but had never used a lather or it’s tools. I thumbed through the rest of the magazine in amazement at what could be created. After my dad was through, I asked him if he could teach me to turn wood.
Now my father is a professional woodworker and inventor. However, his patience soon ran out with a rookie of my status. But I was hooked! So I signed up for a week-long woodturning class in Utah. By the end, I had a suitcase full of gouges and skews and came back home full of excitement! I purchased all of the equipment I would need and went to work. I enjoy trying new things and strive to make my pieces unique and beautiful. I hope you find them interesting as well!" -Nancy Brennemann